Thursday, August 16, 2012

Basic Floor Rule - Version 1.00

Chapter 1: Responsibility of a Fighter
(i) Fair play
- In order to have a tournament that makes everyone happy please practice fair play, treat your opponent with respect.
- Pay attention to the announcements made by the staffs hosting the tournament.

(ii) Do Not
- Do not do things which you shouldn't.
- Do not do things that are against the rules.
- Do not make any actions or speech that will hurt others.

(iii) Deck/Stationery
- Bring your deck and stationery (Please do not forget to bring your deck or stationery for tournaments.) - Make sure that your deck have the correct amount of cards and there are no damages or markings on your sleeves before the tournament.

(iv) Proper Communication
- A fight can not be done by 1 person alone, please have proper communication to have a fun experience.
- Please make sure that you inform your opponent about your actions such as declarations, moving of cards etc, before continuing.

(v) Questions/Doubt
- Ask the judge if you have doubt.
- During a fight if there's any part of the ruling that you do not understand do not hesitate to ask the judge and continue the judge  according to the judge's answer.

Chapter 2: Card & Sleeves
(i) Use the Correct Card
- Please use official cards made by Bushiroad during tournaments and not fake ones.

(ii) Use the Correct Sleeves
- Please use a sleeve that you can not see the actual card from the back or side.
- Make sure that there are no marking etc that cover any information at the front of the card (text, icon).

(iii) Position of the Cards
- Place the cards at the correct position.
- During a fight please place your cards at the correct places and not any where else.
Please make sure that your hand is always above the table and can be seen by your opponent

Chapter 3: Shuffle
- Always shuffle your deck at a poition which can be seen by your opponent.
- Make sure the cards are shuffled in random and not placing them in sequence where you will know.

Sequence of Shuffling
1) Hidu shuffle multiple time
2) Table shuffle or ripple shuffle with hidu shuffle multiple times
3) Hidu shuffle multiple times

- After shuffling your own deck offer your deck to your opponent and ask if he/she wants to shuffle/cut your deck.
- When shuffling your opponent deck please be gentle and do not damage the card/sleeves/outer sleeves.
- You may request the judge to counter shuffle at the end.

Chapter 4: Tournament Types
(i) Swiss
- A tournament where all the players will play till the end, first opponent will be chosen at random and from the second game onward, player will be pair up with players with same or similar results

(ii) Double Elimination
- A tournament where only the winner can continue playing, only players with all win or one lost can continue to the next game.

(iii) Single Elimination
- A tournament where only the winner can continue playing.

Chapter 5: Things to Take Note During Fights
(i) Do not forget the timing of your [Auto] effects
- Please double check so that you will not miss the timing of your [Auto] skill and remind your opponent about theirs.

(ii) Do not look at the cards from your deck if you shouldn't
- Please do not  look or review the cards from your deck for no reason.

(iii) Do not draw extra cards
- Do not draw more cards than what you are suppose to draw. make sure you draw the cards 1 by 1 and confirmed by your opponent.

(iv) Do not think more than necessary
- Do not think more than necessary or do multiple time of the same checks during the game as it will waste a lot of time and resulting in slow play.

(v) Do not do unnecessary hand shuffling
- As the sound made from hand shuffling can affect the thinking of your opponent, please do not do unnecessary hand shuffling during game play.
- Please do not do actions that will scare your opponent or surprise them etc, which will make the fight unpleasant.

(vi) Show manners at the end of the game
- Please do not shout etc after winning a game and ignoring the opponent. Be courteous and thank your opponent for the game, shake their hand, show respect to your opponent no matter winning or losing
and have a fight which you will feel good.